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EveryStudent.com T-shirts

NEW – EveryStudent.com t-shirts in your school or team colors! What a great way to make the site known. People who see these shirts will simply check out the site on their phone or laptop.

In countries outside the U.S.
Here is the file, with the EveryStudent.com logo, for you to print the shirts locally:
Download here
(zipped Illustrator .eps file)

In the U.S.
We got a great deal on these shirts! They are high quality 50/50 cotton blend, preshrunk. Normally $25 each. You can order them for less than $7 each including shipping!

Here’s all you do…

Just email morgan.king@stuphclothing.com with your information, and she will email you back an invoice that you can pay online with them. In your email, tell her:

Color of shirt:

Color of lettering:

(example, UCLA – blue shirt, gold lettering; UF – blue shirt, orange lettering. Darker color should be shirt, brighter color for lettering.)


S –
M –
L –
XL –
2XL –
3XL –

Print on Front OR Back:

Shipping address:

Phone number: